All children who will be 5 years old by August 31, 2025 are invited to join us for Kindergarten Fun Times on March 11, 2025 at WES. Families can drop in anytime between 5:30 - 7:00 to learn more about the enrollment process, tour our school, visit our classrooms, meet our teachers, and get started on an exciting year.
Click here for our page: Hello Kindergarten @ WES for 2025-2026
Click here to sign up for a kindergarten screening appointment on Thursday, April 10.
Getting enrolled in kindergarten requires 3 steps.
Step 1 - Join us for Kindergarten Fun Times on March 11, 2025
We invite your child and family to attend Kindergarten Fun Times on Tuesday, March 11. Our school will be open between 5:30 - 7:00 for the visit. Your family can drop by at the most convenient time. A Spanish interpreter will be available from 5:30 -7:00 to visit with families if needed. We anticipate that you should expect to spend about 30-45 minutes at school.
At Fun Times, you and your child will...
- visit our kindergarten classrooms!
- meet our kindergarten teachers, teaching assistants, and encore teaching staff.
- tour the school and see where your child will learn.
- meet our administrators, front office staff, school counselor, and social worker.
- visit our school nurse to learn more about entry requirements.
- get information about kindergarten enrollment process.
- sign up for a kindergarten screening time for April 22, 2024.
- play on our Mega Toy playground.
- get a special treat for your new kindergarten student!
If you live outside of the Wilkesboro Elementary district, you will also need to complete the school of choice form. This form applies even if you have another child already enrolled at WES. It is important to complete this form as soon as possible to secure enrollment. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find the form. If you live within our enrollment district, you do NOT need to fill out this form.
The online enrollment form takes about 20-30 minutes to complete. We suggest using a computer or tablet, as the form is hard to complete on a phone. If you need access to a computer, please call our office at 336-838-4261 to make an enrollment appointment. We are glad to provide access to a computer and help you.
For full details, please see the Wilkes County Schools Kindergarten Enrollment homepage.
Step 3 - Attend Kindergarten Screening on April 10, 2025 at Your Scheduled Time
Please come to WES for kindergarten screening at your appointment time on Thursday, April 10. You can sign up for an appointment for kindergarten screening on April 10 here. Note that we can only accommodate you at the scheduled appointment time. Your screening visit will take 30-45 minutes. At screening, you can expect:
- your child to work with school staff in short screening activities.
- your child's vision to be screened.
- to visit with school staff to share/review enrollment documents.
- to talk with the school nurse about any medical or dietary needs.
- to sign up for school bus transportation and other programs.
Please bring the following documents to Wilkesboro Elementary by April 10, 2025. This documentation is required for enrollment, even if previously provided for pre-K.
- photo ID of parent/guardian
- certified birth certificate of the child
- proof of residence (copy of bill with your address)
- proof of guardianship (if applicable)
- health assessment and immunizations (must be completed by child's doctor and submitted by August 2025)
Our office is open from 7:30 - 4:00 Monday - Friday. Please ring the bell and our office staff will be glad to take your documents and make copies if needed. If you prefer to submit your paperwork electronically, please send an e-mail to Sydney Nickles @ [email protected] (with the subject line: WES kindergarten registration 2025).
And just like that, your child is signed up for kindergarten!
Once you have completed steps 1-3, our office staff will notify you that we have received everything needed for your child's enrollment. If you have questions, please call our office at 336-838-4261.
We encourage you to visit our school campus and explore our campus and playgrounds in the evenings and weekends so that your child will begin to see Wilkesboro Elementary as "my school". We also encourage you to follow Wilkesboro Elementary on Facebook and visit our school website.
We hope to offer a kindergarten play date in August 2025 so that children can visit the campus and meet other children before the start of school. You will be invited to have an in-person classroom visit and meeting with your child's teacher during the week of August 18-22, 2025.
The first day of school will be August 25, 2025. We follow a staggered-start for kindergarten, and your child will attend school for one day only on either August 25, 26, or 27. All kindergarten children will begin coming to school every day on August 28, 2025. We can't wait!