About PTO's annual Capital Campaign
Our PTO has big plans for supporting our school this school year! On Friday, November 1, students received a big yellow envelope with details about our PTO’s annual capital campaign fundraiser. Inside each envelope is a flier explaining how the campaign works and detailing awesome incentives for individual students and classes.
This fundraising campaign will run from November 1 through November 22, and 100% of funds raised by the campaign go to support our school. This is a direct donation campaign, and there is nothing to sell or deliver. We will collect donations for the next three weeks in hopes of generating funds to support important projects at our school. Donations will be collected on 3 Fridays during November - November 8, November 15, and November 22.
This year’s capital campaign hopes to raise funds to install additional interior and exterior security cameras, create a sensory garden in the courtyard, update and digitize our in house news system in our media center, and provide needed improvements to student restrooms.
Past campaigns have funded security cameras, whiteboards in all classrooms, the outdoor classroom, shade structures for playgrounds, security windows for exterior doors, playground equipment and storage for recess, decodable take home readers for K-2 classrooms, trees and landscaping, and school wide events.
PTO encourages every child to participate, and students who bring in donations can earn a special WES bracelet, plush keychains, chances to win gift cards, and tickets for them and a friend to go on a special reward trip to Pizza Hut. The class who raises the most funds will win a free field trip to Sweet Frog.
You can follow the PTO Capital Campaign and get weekly updates on the WE Support Our School Page
How to Make a Donation
Supporters can donate in several ways:
- Provide a cash or check donation and record it on a student's donation roster. Make checks payable to Wilkesboro Elementary PTO with Capital Campaign in the memo line. Donations will be credited to the specific student.
- Send a check directly to our school at WES PTO CC, 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC 28697. You can indicate the donation for a specific student or class or specify it as a general donation.
- Donate online through our School Cash Online site. Follow the link here or below to the donation page. https://wilkescountyschools.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/1278/515/False/True
- Scan the QR code below or on any student's donation page to donate directly to our school
We encourage students and parents to record all donations on the student donation form. PTO provides receipts to donors who make cash or check donations, and School Cash Online provides direct receipts for online donations.
How Donations will be Used
At Wilkesboro Elementary, the safety and security of our students is our biggest priority. Each year the WES PTO and school staff meet to evaluate security needs to keep our school safe and provide a high quality educational experience for every child and family.
Safety & Security Needs - $8.000
- Additional Interior and Exterior Security Cameras ($300 each) - These funds will be used to add cameras to the existing digital camera system and will expand our views to include spots on campus, particularly around exterior doors, playgrounds, and campus perimeters.
Instructional Needs - $7,200
- Update In-House Camera System for the Media Center ($1,200) - These funds will be used to purchase digital equipment to create a dedicated recording station in the media center for broadcasting daily news by students to classrooms and will provide tools for digital projects (video production, podcasting, etc.) for classes. We currently run this system every day using a VHS camera and a cable connection that connects to VCRs that serve as tuners in classrooms.
- Hardscaping & Landscaping for Media Center Courtyard ($6,000) - These funds will be used to remove existing rock surfacing, add new surfacing, and build raised garden beds to be cultivated by students. These funds will supplement existing grant funds to help complete the project to make this a sensory garden for children and families to use.
Capital Improvements - $10,000
- Cosmetic Updates, Lighting & Improvements to 6 Student Restrooms - These funds will be used to provide updates to dated student restrooms to provide a better experience for all students across grade levels.
Bigger Dreams if Funding Allows...
- Big Blue Blocks set to provide movement and creativity in sensory garden
- Robotics equipment to begin an after school robotics club
- Coding materials for hands on coding opportunities for students to use in our media center
Incentives for Participation
We appreciate your support of our school. To follow or contribute to this project, please visit the PTO WE Support Our School Page.