Wilkesboro Elementary School

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Public Notice
Student Handbook » Health


Health Procedures

Any serious injury or illness will be reported to parents. If a child becomes ill or is injured at school, he/she should tell the teacher who may send the child to the office. The following procedures will be followed:

  • Parents will be notified that the student is ill/injured if the condition is serious enough for the parent to pick up the child.
  • In cases of illnesses or injuries requiring emergency medical attention, the student may be taken directly to the hospital and parents will be notified immediately.

Parents have the following obligations:

  • If a student has a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, he/she should stay at home and not attend school.
  • When a student returns to school, the parent/guardian must send a note within 3 days explaining why the student was absent or a doctor’s statement if the student visited the doctor. (See WCS Attendance Policy 4400)

Health Screening

The health of your child is important to you and to WCS. Throughout the school year screening programs are organized to identify health needs. The screenings are performed by nurses, speech language pathologists, and dental hygienists. Screenings are a valuable health service to our students. Parents are notified in writing when any health problem appears to need further evaluation by medical doctors, dentists, eye doctors or other health care providers. This referral form needs to be returned to the school after medical treatment is received. Screenings may include vision, hearing, and dental screenings. Any parent/legal guardian who does not wish to have his/her child participate in this screening program should notify the school principal in writing at the beginning of the school year.


State law requires that up-to-date immunization records MUST be on file in the school office within 30 days of entering/enrolling in the school.

  • 4 DPT’s – 3 doses by age 1 year and 1 booster dose on or after the 4th birthday.
  • 3 Polio – 2 doses by age two years and 1 booster due on or after 4th birthday.
  • 2 Measles – Mumps – Rubella
  • 1 HIB – between the ages of 15 months and 5 years of age.
  • TdAP – Before entering grade 6


WCS’s policy of giving medications to students by any school personnel is very strict. If your child must have medication of any type, including over the counter medicine, given during school hours, parent/guardian has the following choices:

  • The parent/guardian may come to school and give the medication to the student at the appropriate time.
  • The parent/guardian may get a medication form from the school and have your doctor indicate on the form the drug, dose, and time to be given, and be sure that the doctor signs the form.
  • The parent/guardian may discuss with your doctor an alternative schedule of medication so that it can be given outside of school hours.

Staff cannot give over the counter or prescription medications to students without a doctor’s order.

Student Insurance Program

Membership in a group accident insurance program will be made available to students each year. Wilkes County Board of Education will make every reasonable attempt to identify a company offering comprehensive insurance at economical rates. Information on the plan will be made available through the schools. Purchase of this insurance will constitute an agreement between the student and/or parent and the insurance company, not with the school district. The school district does not assume any contractual responsibility for expenses not covered by insurance.